An attorney by profession, Mr. D’Isabella is the architect of the Group’s business model and is responsible for the development of overall business strategy. As an independent entrepreneur Mr. D’Isabella, founded Madapark, S.A., a Uruguay based cryptocurrency automatic teller machine business. He is also the legal director and managing director of Blu Image S.R.L., a Uruguay based software development and image processing company. Previously, Mr. D´Isabella worked as a financial advisor at Fort Box, a Uruguayan safety deposit company.
In addition to his duties at Vertican, Mr. D’Isabella is a lawyer with ALS Global Law and Accounting, the firm established by Mr. Loinaz.
Mr. D´Isabella holds a Juris Doctor from the Universidad de la Empresa, Montevideo, Uruguay and is a member of Legal Mondo, Libralex, and the International Lawyers Association, internationally recognized law firm networks.